

a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study.




We embrace the modern solutions of digital content creation with our team working virtually across the U.S. and Canada.

Trained Creators with veteran supervision & Direction

V-LAB is a virtual post-production solutions group comprised of editors, motion designers, and visual effects artists trained by Jacob Vu, a master and innovator in post-production workflows. As the name implies, V-LAB is, in many ways, a laboratory for artists to master their craft, experiment with new ideas, and continuously perfect post-production workflows for our clients.

Supervised by Jacob, every project is managed and handled with top-to-bottom quality control, down to the pixels.

By choosing V-LAB, you are giving artists an opportunity to refine their skills while delivering your project with trained professionalism and zero-tolerance for anything below a premier experience and quality standard.